"I feel like a different person. It's hard to remember how 'heavy' life had felt before the new name changed all of that for me."
"I now have courage to do things that I have always wanted to do and become a better person."
"I felt a real freedom within myself. I became more expressive and happier with myself and with life in general."
"The Society Kabalarians of Canada have been extremely supportive. It was refreshing to see this much light in a group of people when darkness is so easy to find."
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Although some first names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.
Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. We would be happy to assist you or visit our Baby Name Page for more information.
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Alphabetical list of first names
Updated March 4, 2025
The name of Venkateswaran indicates you are a ... All names are not equal. Venkateswaran, the names you use create your life experiences. Find out how the meaning of Venkateswaran and the energy of your name have shaped your life. Request a Free Name Report. A Kabalarian Balanced Name can change your life.
Alphabetical First Name Meaning Index
Venkateswaran - Detailed Meaning
The name of Venkateswaran indicates you are a diligent and persevering worker who enjoys doing a job well and finishing what is started. Not overly ambitious, you have restricted your life to working at occupations involving routine. You work best with your hands and physical strength, usually in a slow and deliberate way, step by step, without pressure. If too many changes or disruptions occur, you could become frustrated and thwarted in your efforts. Also, you do not appreciate people enforcing new methods or ideas on you because you accept changes slowly. This name has not been an asset to you because the qualities created have restricted the development of your potential. Self centredness has caused you to have set values which prevent you from appreciating the ideas and feelings of others. Mainly, you are fond of your physical comforts and desires, and resist making any adjustment that causes inconvenience. On the other hand, you tend to expect people to adapt to you and to let you have your own way. For this reason you can be bossy and argumentative. It is difficult for you to be spontaneous, affectionate, and diplomatic, as suitable words and actions do not come to mind quickly; so often you have felt embarrassed and awkward with people. Your reaction is to state your mind simply and clearly, without diplomacy or finesse. Your needs are simple and you look at the practical values in life and thus have little use for objects of aesthetic beauty. Your fondness for heavy, starchy foods could cause stomach or intestinal disorders. You could also suffer with head tension, affecting the eyes, ears, sinus, or throat, or loss of hair.
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Your date of birth defines your unique core purpose, the reason for your life. In living your purpose, you will find your greatest happiness, contentment, and success.
Whether your purpose fully expresses depends upon all the names you use, because your names create the basic blueprint of your thinking pattern and reveal your destiny.
Is your full name in harmony with your purpose?
Find out by requesting a Free Name and Birthdate Report.
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If you have questions about your name or require further assistance, please call our head office in Vancouver, Canada toll-free at 866-489-1188 (or 604-263-9551 if outside of North America.)
Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551 (local and international). We would be happy to assist you or visit our baby name page for more information.
Want more out of life? You can discover your core purpose and make it a reality through a Kabalarian Balanced Name - ancient wisdom for a modern world.
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