Name Analysis


These people are idealistic, gentle, and romantic. They live much within their own thoughts and find companionship in literature, especially romance or mystery. They can so thoroughly be absorbed in a novel that they do not hear what is going on around them. They have great imagination and it is not difficult for them to be a part of the story. Sometimes because it is difficult for them to cope with the reality of life, especially when they are unhappy, they will read to avoid issues rather than facing objectionable situations.

As they are extremely impressionable and easily hurt and offended, they are hesitant when it comes to revealing their deeper thoughts and feelings. They cry easily despite their efforts to control this sensitivity. They may appear reserved and aloof, but they seek love and tenderness. Their deep affection for and devotion to others expresses naturally in an atmosphere of understanding. If someone misrepresents them or makes a joke out of something important to them, they withdraw and use silence as a method of making the person aware of the inappropriate comments. Many times, they feel misunderstood because not even their closest friends really know them. Lacking confidence, they tend to depreciate their own value and ability, yet they could excel in creative writing or design as an outlet for their imaginative, poetic qualities.

When they experience friendship and support from others, they feel better about themselves. Being self-conscious they do not like to be the centre of attention, yet they would like to be more expressive, outgoing, and spontaneous. Under just the right circumstances, they can be very dramatic.

At times, there is a decidedly independent and determined side to their natures in coping with people; however, they dislike to witness hurt feelings and will avoid issues.

They value the beauty and peace experienced while outdoors away from crowds or the pressures of life. Gently falling rain, the wind in the willows, the sounds of birds, dappled sunlight through the trees in a forest, many expressions of nature reach their imaginations and help to build a sense of harmony within. They could be drawn to the mysteries of life, religious or philosophical concepts, to the arts, music, or the theatre.

This name creates a sensitivity in the fluid functions of the body and a tendency to weakness in the respiratory organs.. Under stressful conditions, they may experience tension in the solar plexus area.

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