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Analysis of ==> Elizabeth                  What's in a Name? (Video with sound)

The following brief analysis describes a few qualities of the first name, Elizabeth . There are many additional factors (legal name, nicknames, family surname, combined names, previous names, and business signature) that contribute to your entire personality - and your entire life. Order a Name Report for an in-depth analysis.

Brief Analysis

Your name of Elizabeth contributes sensitive, creative, and idealistic qualities to your nature that could be expressed in a variety of literary or artistic fields. You desire harmony and refinement in your environment and in all your personal associations. Although mentally quick and intuitive in recognizing the thoughts and feelings of others, you experience a lack of fluency in verbal expression in responding. Kind but shy, you appear calm but suffer inwardly from nervous tension that saps your strength. As a result, you experience moods of depression and self-pity and often avoid facing issues. A lack of confidence leads to procrastination, a need for support and encouragement from others, and a vulnerability to be taken advantage of in many situations.

Health Weaknesses

Click here to find out the health weaknesses of the name of Elizabeth

In-depth Analysis

You can receive an in-depth Name Report including all your names and your inner potential. It is an indepth description of the influences affecting your personality, potential, and compatibility in personal and business relationships.

You can also view a short video with sound that explains how your name creates your mind by clicking here (Video with sound).

This short analysis is based on the English alphabet. Names used in a language and culture where the alphabet is not the same as the English alphabet would have a different influence.

 Important Note  
on Choosing Baby Names!!

Do not choose a baby first name based on these short name descriptions. Your baby's name must be in harmony with:

  • your baby's birthdate (inner potential)
  • and your family's surname (last name)

It is essential that you understand the qualities of your family name. Before you make the critical decision on your child's name, explore our on-line service options, or:

Call us toll-free in North America at:

      (outside of North America use 604-263-9551)

for full information on our Baby Balanced Name Recommendation Service or visit our baby name page and read the extensive FAQ listing.

Thought for the Day