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Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis.

Abadun Adorbad Aflatun Ahshad Anra
Arshish Asjdfh Avadun Awsan Babak
Banu Beeruj Beeruz Beezu Beezud
Behmard Behzad Bemun Beram Blorp
Bondar Bondoor Boobak Borzu Borzuvog
Buzarjomer Chilufya Colordo Dariesh Darow
Daryush Delbar Dhunjishaw Dinyar Dinyor
Dorow Erdeshir Erdog Espendiyar Espendiyor
Fariborz Farz Feloma Fereydun Flamarz
Fraehan Framarz Funburr Gersha Gershasb
Geshu Gimly Giv Guda Gudarz
Gushta Gushtu Hamavvand Harmaan Hayan
Hemavand Hemog Hemovend Hormez Hormezyar
Hormezyor Hosedar Houdad Hurmez Huzan
Iraj Jamsher Jaosh Jem Jemog
Jemshir Jemshirog Jenshid Jesoel Jomos
Joongir Jumas Jumerd Jxhdfvg Kaadesh
Kahin Kaihan Kaiyomerz Katin Katun
Kaus Kavus Keekobu Kermaan Keykavus
Keziyar Khaliaf Kuresh Laal Legomancer
Leon Leon Leon Loorosb Loras
Mahin Marzebun Marzun Massacre Mavanda
Mayar Mazd Mazdar Meer Meerab
Meerabun Meerized Meerog Meerow Mehr
Menucher Merkadon Merzad Merzesh Miklotov
Moby Moggins Mondegor Monja Mouriyse
Movendu Moyor Mundegar Musti Namirog
Nannuk Naruk Navzal Navzar Nenshad
Nidheke Nowzar Numdar Numdor Numog
Nush Nushiravun Nushog Nushug Odorico
Ovido Ovodun Pacnu Pakaya Pakbeng
Parhad Parhod Parzad Pashuten Peloma
Perilzim Phenastus Ploki Randamus Rayomund
Rehan Roohshad Rustem Sarvar Shaariyar
Shaariyor Shaaro Shaarog Shaarox Shahpoor
Shaker Shapur Shirin Shopur Shorox
Simin Siyavaxsh Siyovaxsh Smolensky Sohrabh
Solarnite Soorab Soroob Sorrabb Sorush
Sorushyar Sorushyor Stargon Steveisgay Straysh
Tahemtan Tahmina Tanishk Tehmton Thiaan
Tirando Tirendaz Tursavidus Urmez Urmezyor
Urvaan Vaamen Vaamenog Vaarom Vahmerd
Vamiyar Vamiyor Verzan Veyrap Vilcent
Virop Virovog Voleron Wallaby Xani
Xasru Xdooau Xdooba Xdoobenda Xdoodo
Xdoomrod Xdooprast Xdooyor Xodaba Xodabande
Xodadad Xodamorad Xodaperast Xodayar Xoni
Xoniyog Xorsend Xosrow Xystus Yezaad
Zal Zal Zarthustra Zhaohui Ziddey
Zoko Zool Zoysh Zunt


Do not Choose Baby Names Here!

Although some names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.

Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. We would be happy to assist you. You can also see our online ordering options

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