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Female Zoroastrian First Names / Nicknames / Cybernames

Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis.

Afreed Ahuriya Alameta Anaihta Anaira
Anaitah Aracis Arnavoz Arnevaz Asheesh
Ashishvang Ashishwang Babak Banu Behrouzz
Behzad Benaiffer Beruz Bondar Boonu
Byasiima Choksondik Cillica Cooverbhai Czoa
Dawla Delbar Devii Deybanu Deyboonu
Dowlat Doxmal Droxshanda Farxonda Ferishteh
Ferzeen Firebreeze Floofy Franac Friyah
Friyan Gawhar Golbanu Golboonu Golchehr
Golchir Golrox Gooar Guda Homayun
Homyun Houtoxi Iraj Iranbanu Irandoxt
Irunboonu Irundoxt Jaelia Jana-Lyn Jefrina
Jehroze Jeir Jem Jesanleen Jibby
Jossalind Kaadoxt Kahin Kahinbanu Kahinboonu
Kaizine Kaljja Karrishma Katayun Katin
Katoyun Katun Kernaz Keshvar Ketayoun
Keyandoxt Keyundoxt Khoorsheed Khoty Khushnaaz
Laal Leelynyae Leiria Leon Maadoxt
Mahin Mahinbanu Mahinboonu Mahrookh Mahxorshid
Manija Marooba-Ka Marox Masti Maxmal
Mayar Meer Meerangiz Meerbanu Meerboonu
Meerengiz Mehr Micell Mithoo Moby
Monja Moorox Mooxorshid Morvari Morvori
Musti Nabat Nabot Nekshaan Nush
Odoxt Ovog Ownehir Paribanu Pariboonu
Parichehr Parvana Parveze Parvona Parxonda
Peloma Perengis Pervara Purondoxt Purundoxt
Quirky Razeshta Rehan Rheah Roxshanda
Roxshenda Rudaba Rudoba Rudova Rukshin
Sarvar Senovillia Shaker Shakerbanu Sharinaaz
Shearra Sheraze Sherehzad Shirin Shirin
Shirinbanu Simin Simin Stuipud Sudaba
Sudoova Sudowba Swalchy Taamina Tabenda
Tahmina Taloohla Teerat Tehrat Tenaaz
Theiah Towbanda Ucar Underwear Ursana
Urvakshi Vabeez Vaedishta Voneir Vovog
Vowneir Whack Xarmen Xoni Yaiyenti
Zafereh Zarbanu Zarboonu


Do not Choose Baby Names Here!

Although some names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.

Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. We would be happy to assist you. You can also see our online ordering options

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