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Male Swiss First Names / Nicknames / Cybernames
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Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis. Last 185

Adrian Adriana Adrien Aeschbach Agnes
Alain Alan Albert Alberto Albin
Aldo Alessandro Alex Alexander Alexandra
Alexandre Alexandre Alexis Alfonso Alfred
Aline Alix Alois Alvarez Amiel
Amiel Andre Andre Andre Andrea
Andrea Andreas Andy Angela Anita
Anna Anne Annick Annie Anselm
Anthony Antoine Antoinette Anton Anton
Antonio Antonio Ariane Arlette Armando
Armin Arnaud Arnold Artur Aryna
Astrid Augustin Axel Baptiste Barbara
Bart Bastien Beat Beat Beatrice
Ben Benjamin Benjamin Benoit Bernadette
Bernard Bernhard Berthe Berthold Bertrand
Betty Blaise Bolla Boris Brand
Brigitte Bruce Bruno Burkhart Carl
Carlo Carlos Carole Caroline Catherine
Cecile Cedric Celine Chantal Charles
Charly Chris Christen Christian Christiane
Christina Christine Christophe Christophe Claire
Claude Claudia Claudio Clement Clerc
Colette Conrad Constantin Conti Contzen
Corine Corinne Cristina Cyril Damien
Dan Dania Daniel Daniela Daniele
Dario Dave David David Denis
Denise Didier Diego Dieter Dietrich
Dimitri Dino Dirk Dominic Dominic
Dominik Dominique Don Donald Donata
Donato Doris Douglas Dreher Dufaux
Duong Duribal Eddy Edgar Edith
Eduard Eduardo Eggiman Egon Elena
Elisabeth Elvin Emerita Emery Emmanuel
Enrico Enrique Eric Eric Erich
Erik Erika Erma Ernst Erwin
Esther Etienne Eugene Eugene Eva
Evelyne Fabia Fabian Fabien Fabienne
Fabio Fabiola Fabrice Fabrizio Fah
Farid Federico Felix Fernand Fernando
Fischer Flavia Flavian Flavian Flavio
Florence Florent Florian Foehn Francesco
Francine Francis Francisco Franck Franco
Francois Francoise Frank Frankl Franz
Fred Frederic Frederique Fritz Gabriel
Gabriele Gabriella Gaby Gael Gaston
Gautier Geiger Geneva Genevieve Geoff
Georges Gerald Gerard Gerhard Ghislaine
Gianni Gilbert Gilberto Gilles Giona
Giorgio Giovanni Gisele Giuseppe Graf
Graham Grand Grassi Greg Gregoire
Gregor Gregory Grossi Guido Guillaume
Guy Gwennael Hannes Hanni Hans
Harald Hassan Hassler Heidi Heinrich
Heinz Helene Helga Henri Henrik
Henry Herbert Herman Herve Heuberger
Hhni Hqyylrshp Huber Huber Hubert
Hueputa Hugo Ian Ian Igor
Igor Imelda Ingo Ingrid Irene
Irma Isa Isa Isabelle Ivan
Ivan Jack Jacky Jacqueline Jacques
Jacques James Jan Janine Jean
Jeanine Jebeli Jerome Jerome Jessica
Jim Jiri Joachim Joao Jocelyne
Jochen Joe Joe Joel Joel
Joel Joel Joelle Joerg John
Jon Jon Jonathan Jordan Jordi
Jose Jose Jose Josef Joseph
Josette Juan Juerg Juergen Julien
Julio Julius Kaelin Kah-Seong Karim
Karin Karl Karrac Katia Katja
Keith Keller Ken Kevin Khalid
Klaus Klemi Koller Kristin Kurt
Lambert Lara Lars Laura Laure
Laurence Laurent Lederman Lehmann Leo
Leonard Leonhard Liana Liliane Linus
Lionel Loic Louis Luc Luca
Lucas Luciano Lucien Ludovic Ludwig
Luis Lukas Lydia Mac Madeleine
Mader Maetti Magali Manfred Manuel
Manuela Marc Marcel Marco Marcus
Margaret Maria Marianne Marie Marielle
Marilena Mario Marius Mark Markus
Marlies Marlo Marti Martial Martin
Martin Martin Martine Martyn Mary
Maryse Massimo Mathias Mathieu Matt
Matteo Matthew Matthias Maurice Max
Maxime Mazza Melanie Merle Meyer
Michael Michael Michael Michael Michaela
Michel Michele Michelle Miguel Mike
Mireille Mirella Mohaiyash Monette Monica
Monique Montreux Moritz Muriel Myriam
Nadia Nadine Nathalie Nef Neil
Nelly Nemro Nguyen Nick Nico
Nicola Nicolas Nicole Niklaus Nino
Norbert Odile Olaf Oliver Olivier
Olli Olympio Orell Oscar Pablo
Pamela Paola Paolo Pascal Pascale
Pat Patrice Patricia Patrick Patrik
Patty Paul Paula Paulo Peder
Pedro Pedro Perren Pestalozzi Peter


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