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Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis.

Aca Admdl Aleksa Aleksandar Aleksandra
Ana Andric Anita Arso Asim
Asim Biljana Bogdan Bogdan Boguljub
Bora Borenko Boris Borisav Bosko
Bozidar Branislav Branislava Brusilo Carpiuss
Ceca Cedomil Damir Damir Damjana
Danica Debil Dejan Dejan Dhrutikam
Dijana Dimitrije Djerdj Djodja Djoka
Djordje Djurdje Djuric Dobrica Dobrina
Dordo Dositej Drach Dragan Dragan
Dragisa Dragoje Dragoljub Dragutin Draza
Dusan Dushan Dusko Dzevat Emilija
Enis Enver Gavrilo Gligorije Goran
Gordana Grada Hamdi Hurem Igor
Igor Ilija Isaija Ivan Ivan
Ivana Ivanka Ivico Ivo Jaksa
Jasa Jasmina Jasminka Jelena Joca
Jokic Jovan Jovana Jovic Julia
Kobac Kos Koviljko Kraljevo Kreten
Ksenija Lakic Lazar Lazar Ljuba
Lovre Lucardi Maja Maric Marija
Marjan Marko Marko Maya Mihailo
Mijalko Milan Milic Milica Milka
Milo Milojica Milorad Milos Milovan
Milutin Miodrag Mira Mirjana Mirkic
Misa Mitar Mladem Momcilo Murat
Nebosja Nedjo Nemanja Nenad Nermin
Niko Nikola Nikolic Obrad Obrad
Ognjeslav Ostoja Pacu Pantelic Papaz
Pavle Pedrag Pekmez Petar Petrovic
Popov Prdonja Preki Princip Prvoslav
Prvoslav Punisa Rade Radoje Radomir
Radovan Rajan Rajko Rastic Rastimir
Rastko Ratko Rebic Rhjnrzv Rista
Rudjer Rudko Sarreskar Savazver Sefhet
Semi Serb-Mirko Shkreli Shtakor Sima
Skender Sklo Slavko Slobodan Snezana
Sofija Srdjan Sreten Stanislav Stevan
Strahinja Suljo Svetozar Svetozar Tomislav
Trickovic Ugren Vanja Vasa Vasic
Velimir Velizar Veljko Velle Venja
Vera Veselin Vesna Vijatov Vladimir
Vladislav Vojislav Vucko Vujica Vuk
Vukovic Zarija Zelen Zeljko Zerubbabel
Zivojin Zora Zoran Zorica Zorka


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Although some names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.

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