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Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis. 501 - 1000

Aba Abad Abbas Abbas Abel
Abod Abony Abos Abraham Abran
Absa Achilles Acsad Adalard Adalbert
Adam Ade Ade Adel Adel
Adelbert Adelmar Adojan Adolar Adony
Adorjan Adrian Adrienn Agad Agata
Aggie Agi Agmand Agnes Ago
Agost Agoston Aida Ajad Ajtony
Akacs Akacsas Akos Akristof Aladar
Alajos Alberd Albert Alberta Alberth
Albertus Albin Aletta Alex Alexa
Alexandra Alfonz Alfred Alida Aliz
Almos Alpar Alvian Alvin Amalia
Ambrosius Ambrud Ambrus Amelia Anastasia
Anbrus Anderja Andor Andorai Andras
Andrea Andreas Angela Anita Anna
Annam Annat Anne Antal Anthonius
Anton Anton Antonia Antonius Apor
Aprod Ardha Arkos Armin Arnold
Aron Aros Arpad Artur Asztrik
Atad Attila Atyla Augustinus Aurel
Azari Azzony Babi Bagamer Bajan
Bajnok Balamber Balas Balazs Balind
Balint Balinth Baltasar Balynth Ban
Ban Bank Banos Barabas Barbara
Bardi Bardo Bari Barna Barnabas
Bars Bartalan Bato Bato Batony
Bator Beatrix Becse Bede Bedi
Bedo Bekeny Bela Beli Belian
Bella Belle Bence Benci Bencse
Bende Bendeguz Bene Benedek Benedictus
Benjamin Benjamin Bercel Berecske Berengar
Bereny Beriszlo Bernad Bernard Bernat
Berta Berta Bertalan Berto Bertok
Bertold Bertolom Bese Betti Bettina
Betty Blanka Blasius Bod Boda
Bodi Bodi Bodis Bodo Bodog
Bodony Bodvar Bogat Bogdan Bogdan
Bogi Boldizsar Boldysar Boldyszar Bolrobas
Bondi Bonifac Bora Borbas Bori
Borka Borka Borlobas Bors Borsos
Boso Botar Botond Bottyan Bozsidan
Bozsik Brigitta Bruno Buda Bulcsu
Burany Byrta Cata Catalin Catherine
Cato Catus Cecilia Chata Christina
Cica Cila Clara Clemens Colred
Colric Colwulf Conhelm Conwulf Cordl
Cristina Csaba Csak Csanad Csandor
Csat Csatar Csatard Csato Csego
Cseke Csenge Csenger Csepan Csepel
Csite Csobad Csoban Csombor Csongor
Csutak Czeller Cziriak Dagobert Dagomer
Dalma Damjan Daniel Daniella Danos
David David Deak-Bence Debora Debra
Deli Deli Delia Demeny Demeter
Demetor Demetre Demetri Demetri Demetrius
Demjen Denes Derzso Devald Dezser
Dezso Dia Diana Dini Dionisius
Dionysius Ditmar Djeze Doeth Doman
Dominicus Dominik Domokos Domonkos Domos
Domotor Donat Dora Dorina Dorko
Dorman Dorothea Dragam Dusan Dyak
Dyenes Dyenos Dyens Ede Edit
Edmond Edomer Edvard Edvast Edvin
Egbert Eged Egmont Egmund Egon
Egyed Egyod Egyud Elek Elemer
Elena Eleonora Elfric Elfwig Elfwurd
Elijas Elisabeth Eliza Elizabet Elizabeth
Ella Ellak Elmar Elmo Elod
Elve Elvira Elza Emanuel Emericus
Emil Emilia Emma Emod Emre
Enci Endre Eni Eniko Enundr
Erhard Erik Erika Erna Ernak
Erno Ernulf Ernye Erod Ervin
Escwine Essur Estwan Eszter Ete
Etele Ethelbald Ethelbert Ethelred Ethelred
Ethelstan Ethelwulf Eugenia Eva Evelin
Fabian Fabiann Fabianus Fabiusz Fabo
Fabyan Farkas Faynnel Felicia Felician
Felix Ferdinand Ferenc Ferencs Ferencz
Feri Ferko Ferrence Filep Fixley
Flavian Flavian Flora Flori Florian
Floris Florka Fodor Foliver Folkus
Foris Foriset Forrens Forrenz Forrice
Fortunat Franci Franciscus Francisk Francizk
Fredek Frida Frigyes Fulop Fylep
Gabi Gabor Gabriel Gabriella Gal
Galos Gara Gasi Gaspar Gavrilette
Gazsi Gazso Gecsi Gedeon Gedo
Gelerd Gellert Georgina Georgiues Georgius
Gerda Gereb Gergel Gergely Gergo
Gergol Gergor Gerjen Gero Gerzson
Geza Gisella Gitta Goran Gosta
Gote Gregorius Gregory Greta Gudrod
Gujdo Gurgy Gusztav Gyala Gyarfas
Gyenes Gyenos Gyore Gyorgy Gyorgyi
Gyork Gyozo Gyugy Gyula Gyurka
Gyuszi Hanna Harkany Haslini Hedvig
Helen Helena Helga Helias Henrik
Herman Hermina Heteny Hilda Himfi


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