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Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis.

Abbo Ada Adalbert Adaldag Adalhard
Adda Adela Adelard Adelheid Aebbe
Aega Agilbert Agobard Aigulf Alberic
Aldgisl Allowin Amalricus Amand Amator
Angegisis Angilbart Angilbert Anno Ansegisel
Anskar Arbitio Arbogast Arbogastes Arculf
Arnoul Arnulf Artaud Asselin Atacinus
Audoen Audomar Audoneus Audramnus Auina
Ava Avin Baugulf Bauto Bava
Bavin Bavo Benild Berchar Berehta
Berengar Berna Bernard Berno Bero
Berta Bertelis Bertha Berthaire Bertin
Bertulf Besso Birinus Blutmund Boso
Bova Bovo Brice Britius Brocard
Bruno Burchard Butilin Carloman Cassyon
Ceufroy Charibert Charles Cheldric Childebert
Childeric Chilperic Chlodmer Chlodowig Chlotar
Chrodegang Clodomir Clotaire Clothair Clovis
Corbinian Cyr Cyricus Dado Dagobert
Dalfin Denjen Doda Dodda Dodo
Dreux Drogo Duda Dudon Ebbo
Ebroin Ebrulf Ega Einhard Emma
Emme Emmeran Engilbert Enna Enurchus
Erchinoald Erkenrad Ermengard Evroul Evroult
Fara Fardulf Faro Ferrau Flodoard
Folcard Folmar Foy Fredegar Fridolin
Fridugis Fulbert Fulk Fulrad Geneva
Gerbert Gereon Gerold Gertruda Geva
Gifemund Gisela Giseler Gisla Giso
Godhari Godobald Godun Goisfrid Goscelin
Gouzlim Gozbert Gozolon Grifo Grimald
Grimbald Gudule Gunthar Guntramn Hagen
Halinard Hartmut Helinand Helisachar Herden
Heribert Hgd Hildebald Hildebold Hildegard
Hildeprand Hilduin Hincmar Hlodver Hrodbert
Huebald Humbert Hunald Ida Imbert
Imma Imninon Isa Isa Jarane
Jocelin Lambert Lanfranc Laudus Lebuin
Ledger Leger Leodegar Letard Leufred
Leufroy Leutfrid Leuthere Liudger Liudhard
Liudolf Lo Lothar Louigarrel Ludger
Lul Lull Maiuel Maixent Majorian
Mansuetus Maraulf Marcoul Matadoerle Matfrid
Mauger Medard Meginhard Merobaudes Merovance
Merovech Nithard Norbert Nordbert Notker
Oda Odger Odilo Odo Odulf
Olga Omer Orderic Otker Ouen
Ouus Pacatian Pair Pancras Panteleon
Paschal Pepin Philibert Piligrim Pippin
Poppo Puvis Radbod Radigis Ragnfred
Rautenbach Razo Reginald Reginar Remi
Reolus Richomer Richomeres Riquier Rosamund
Rothad Ruann Samo Sergius Sex-Rogers
Shirlptc Sicho Sigebert Sigibert Suger
Suidbert Suidger Susanna Syagrius Tassilo
Taurin Tescelin Thankmar Thegan Theodard
Theodoric Theodulf Theodulph Theoto Theudebert
Theuderic Theutgaud Thierry Thietmar Turpin
Uda Vedast Vicelin Vigor Vulmar
Waiofar Wala Walaric Waldolanus Waltgaud
Wandrille Warmann Welf Werinbert Wibert
Wichmann Willehad Willibald Willibrord Wulfram
Yanael Zwentibold


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