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Male Filipino First Names / Nicknames / Cybernames
Viewing 1 - 500

Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis. 501 - 1000

Aaron-Paul Abay Achoo Aclan Acob
Acot Acqx Aday Adjarael Adlawan
Adovich Adrino Aeian Aeil Aescer
Agam Agapito Agas Agcaoili Aginaldo
Aglu Aguas Aiana Aiejaie Aiyoki
Ajys Akhyra Alab Alao Albene
Albertito Albette Albhen Alcris Aldain
Aldou Aldrean Aldriane Aldrose Aldryne
Aleseo Alex Alex-Allan Alfden Alf-Rae
Alfree Alfreido Algerow Algyne Alijandro
Alipio Alizier Aljay Allandail Allanicko
Allan-Paul Allan-Von Allenburg Allicyr Allison
Almerante Alnair Alnard Alon Alona
Alonto Aloyd Alpay Al-Raiyan Al-Randy
Al-Rashid Alrenz Althe Alvinpaul Alvin-Ray
Amacir Amarson Amberlan Ambhoy Amenola
Amenolah Amerel Amhir Amit Amy
Ancheta Andal Andam Anderico Andreij
Androlynd Anecito Angara Angat Angelius
Angeluz Angelwill Angus Anne Anshari
Antolito Antriel Anub Apache-M Apan
Arabello Arafiles Arakan Aranas Araw
Arbues Archiell Arcival Arclaine Ardee
Arden Aredel Arfel Arfem Argelo
Arghe Argoncillo Argy Ariane-Joy Aribal
Aristle Ariuz Arizaldo Arizgregor Arjeruh
Arjhay Arjie Arjus Arjyh Arlo-Luis
Arlotte Arlou Armito Arnie-John Arnier
Aro Aronie Arquipo Arrenz Artgloyd
Arthurlui Arvic Arwynn Atay Ato
Ato Atok Atung Audim Audivon
Austria Avejay Aviyeh Awa Awis
Aycke Ayran Ayson Aznaira Azyn
Baal Babychino Baculfo Badar Badaw
Badzwiser Bael Baga Baguio Bahandi
Bahena Balagot Balamut Balong Baluca
Baluyut Banaga Banal Banta Baqui
Barachiel Barut Basa Basi Basilides
Basiliso Baste Bathan Bati Batin
Bato Bato Batucan Batung Baya
Bayag Bayani Bayani Baybay Bayla
Baylon Bedrick Beho Belchie Beltsie
Benador Ben-Ashley Ben-Bryan Ben-Hur Benigel
Ben-Joseph Bennedick Bennizer Benzar Berdugo
Bernade Berting Bethoven Bhrayan Billy-Joe
Billy-Joel Billy-Paul Bindoy Bio Bjeb
Blas Boboy Bocboc Boeris-Jue Bon-Adriel
Bondoc Bonie Bonrich Bonzo Boying
Brian-Roy Brigardo Brillant Brixter Bromelle
Bryan Bryan-Paul Bryl Brywyn Buan
Buban Buddyhunk Buli Bungay Buni
Burat Butchoy Bybrum Caasi Cabal
Cabe Cabico Calip Calo Calob
Calub Calvit Cambaliza Canoy Carandang
Cariel Carlojason Carlos-Leo Carls Carmicael
Casiano Casim Casuga Catherine Cavite
Cayhao Cayla Cayno Cayton Cedrix
Celverjohn Cenen Cereneo Cezario Chadner
Chandymar Chao-Zu Charito Charlindo Charlito
Charlwyn Chejay Cher-Ami Cherenzkie Chickoy
Chidory Chinang Chito Choa Chocoy
Cholson Chrester Chrisalex Chrisber Christheo
Churchvill Cicer Ciotur Cirroel Clareinz
Clarenper Claudry Cleover Clieford Client
Clime Clipher Clydis Coichi Colanrico
Concon Concordio Conge Congson Conol
Contez Conti Corazon Corazon Corina
Corotan Cortez Cosco Crezalde Crezczar
Crezel Crisente Crisman Cristo-Rey Criztian
Cunanan Cupid Cusi Cynthia Cynthony
Cyrhys Cyryx Cyvel Czaq Czarjeff
Daclan Dagul Dahan Daigon Dailo
Dainiel Dakila Damien-Ray Damilo Damo
Danceril Dan-Ceril Danda Dandello Dandilo
Dandin D-Andre Daniel Dan-Jael Danly
Dan-Nicolo Danreb Danz Danzelle Daos
Darrellad Darrenelle Dato Dauden Dauphine
Davelouie Dave-Shane David-Dela Daviddon Dawa
Dawi Dawn-Iris Daya Dayndeon Dayo
Deactriz Deagle Deando Deathomen Dee-Aye
De-Guzman Deljay Del-Rio Demciel Denchi
Deney Dengei Dennis Dens Den-Sean
Deofilo Deogracios Deorex Deroll Dextee
Dharry Dhenies Dhenzhyl Dhon Dhonato
Dhronnell Diano Digno Dinasto Dindo-Jose
Ding-Dong Dinver Diobert Diomel Diomil
Diosmarino Diosonly Diwa Dizon Djeth
Djezriel Djundi Dobet Dobhie Dodo
Don-Andrew Don-Earl Don-Kyle Donn-Brian Donnie`ray
Donster Dont Doon Dounell Dreik
Drimeses Duco Dumaua Dumdum Duna
Durtheo Duyan Dwien Dyczyndryx Dyroza
Earldean Earlwynne Earvene Ebba Ebenyzr
Edberto Edd-Alexis Edisyn Edjude Ed-Levi
Edsador Edster Edwardcher Edwind Effered
Efranko Egualberto Ehfraim Ehrwin Eidreff
Eillemar Eilrem Eiram Ejah Ejhayson
Elenzano Eleoreph Elgiel Elijah-Ken Elizalde
El-Jhun Eljiaczar Ellieboy Elli-Rey Elmdale
Elojio Eltton Elyrie Emanuelito Emeraldo


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Although some names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.

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