baby names

Browse First Names by Category

Important Note:

The list of categories below is just one way of looking at the classification of a name.  It is not meant to be definitive. In many cases these categories are suggestions from our visitors. Also, when you consider the names in each category, please realize that the names themselves are suggestions and submissions from our users. We only make obvious edits to classifications (i.e. "Frank" is not a Chinese origin name and would not be added to the Chinese list even though submitted by somebody).

We have not attempted to certify the national or ethnic origin of these names, nor do we recommend these names for your use. It is vitally important to choose a Balanced Name™. Your name is the single most important influence on the development of your personality and creates your destiny. This wisdom is contained within the Kabalarian Philosophy.

If you would like help on a baby name for your new child, click here: baby name.

Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

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MALE Names

Please be patient. Long lists can take several minutes to download.
African African-American Albanian American
Anglo Saxon Arabic Armenia Armenian
Australian Austrian Avestan Azerbaijani
Basque Belarussian Belgium Bengali
Biblical Bosnian Brazilian Breton
Brittany Buddhist Bynames Byzantine
Cambodian Cameroon Celtic Chinese
Color Cornish Creatures Croatian
Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian
English Estonian Faroe Islands Fijian
Filipino Finnish Flowers Frankish
French Friesian Gaelic Georgian
German Ghana Greek Hawaiian
Hebrew Hindu Hungary Icelandic
Indian Indian [East] Indonesian Iranian
Irish Isle of Man Italian Japanese
Jewels Kazakhstani Korean Kurdish
Latin Latino Latvian Lithuanian
Luxemburg Macedonian Malaysian Manx
Maori Matronymic Medieval Mexican
Mongol Montenegran Mormon Muslim
Netherlands Nigerian Norse North American Indian
Norwegian Occitan Old English Pakistani
Parsi Patronymic Persian Pets
Place Names Polish Polynesian Portuguese
PQ Roman Romanian Romany
Russian Samoan Sanskrit Scottish
Serbian Sikh Slavic Slovenian
Spanish Sri Lankan Swedish Swiss
Tamil Teutonic Thai Tibetan
Tongan Trade Turkish Ukrainian
Uzbekistani Vietnamese Viking Virtuous
Welsh West Indies Yoruban Yugoslavian


Please be patient. Long lists can take several minutes to download.
African African-American Albanian American
Anglo Saxon Arabic Armenia Armenian
Australian Austrian Avestan Azerbaijani
Basque Belarussian Belgium Bengali
Biblical Bosnian Brazilian Breton
Brittany Buddhist Bynames Byzantine
Cambodian Cameroon Celtic Chinese
Color Cornish Creatures Croatian
Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian
English Estonian Faroe Islands Fijian
Filipino Finnish Flowers Frankish
French Friesian Gaelic Georgian
German Ghana Greek Hawaiian
Hebrew Hindu Hungary Icelandic
Indian Indian [East] Indonesian Iranian
Irish Isle of Man Italian Japanese
Jewels Kazakhstani Korean Kurdish
Latin Latino Latvian Lithuanian
Luxemburg Macedonian Malaysian Manx
Maori Matronymic Medieval Mexican
Mongol Montenegran Mormon Muslim
Netherlands Nigerian Norse North American Indian
Norwegian Occitan Old English Pakistani
Parsi Patronymic Persian Pets
Place Names Polish Polynesian Portuguese
PQ Roman Romanian Romany
Russian Samoan Sanskrit Scottish
Serbian Sikh Slavic Slovenian
Spanish Sri Lankan Swedish Swiss
Tamil Teutonic Thai Tibetan
Tongan Trade Turkish Ukrainian
Uzbekistani Vietnamese Viking Virtuous
Welsh West Indies Yoruban Yugoslavian

Thought for the Day