Is Your Name Right For You?
Free Name and Birth Date Report
Welcome to a new discovery how your names create your life, your personality, your likes and dislikes, your ideals, and the conditions and experiences you will attract.
Your free Name and Birth Date Report will explain the impact your names have from your:

- first name
- last name
- combined names
- legal names
- business signatures
- nickname
- life purpose and inner potential measured from your date of birth
- destiny summary
Your report will be emailed to you as a link to a PDF document within 5 minutes. This is a free service provided by the Society of Kabalarians.
For over 90 years, the Kabalarian Philosophy has been helping people like you to understand the powerful energies that are contained in names and how adverse conditions can be changed. We offer you a free Name and Birth Date Report so that you can see firsthand how your qualities have created your thinking and the conditions in your life. Adverse conditions can be changed. You may want to take advantage of our paid Balance Name Recommendation services. Life can be amazingly beautiful and happy when you realize what is holding you back and how you can break the barriers to find the complete expression of your true life's purpose.
Privacy of Your Names, Birth Date, and Email
We know you are trusting us with your personal information. We take this responsibility very seriously. Your name and birth date information is kept totally confidential and is used only in preparing your Name and Birth Date Analysis. The Society of Kabalarians does not sell, trade, exchange, disclose, or distribute your personal information or email address in any way whatsoever. If you are under 18 be sure to obtain your parent(s) or guardian(s) permission before you send any personal information to us.
The information you send us is sent in an encrypted form over a secure internet connection to our server and is totally protected. [Full Privacy and Security Policy]
Why is this Name and Birthdate Report Free?
The Name Report is free so you can prove the validity of the Kabalarian principles and to introduce you to our Balanced Name Recommendation service and on-line learning programs.
Click here to read reviews.
Very Important Notes on Entering Data
Enter only the actual name requested in the boxes below. Do not enter explanatory notes after the name or multiple names in one box or they will be analyzed as part of the name:
Correct | Legal First Name: | Mike |
Incorrect | Legal First Name: | Mike (only at work) |
Incorrect | Legal First Name: | Mike or Michael |
Middle Names
Middle names do not affect your personality unless you are called by a middle name. If you do use your middle name in your
business signature it would affect your business conditions.
If you have a middle name and are called by that name, put it in as a Most Used Name as well so it can be analyzed with your surname.
In each box only put in a single name unless it is a combined name such as in a hyphenated last name, i.e. Johnson-Brown.
Foreign Alphabet Characters
Names are analyzed using the 26-character English alphabet (A to Z). Any foreign characters or accented characters will not be analyzed properly. Call the office at 866-489-1188 for further clarification.
Some examples of unacceptable characters:
Ç ü é
â ä à å ç ê ë
è ï î ì Ä Å É
ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü
You can only type in:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (UPPPER or lower case)
plus hyphens (==> - <==), single apostrophes (==> ' <==), and periods.
Your date of birth defines your unique core purpose, the reason for your life. In living your purpose, you will find your greatest happiness, contentment, and success.
Whether your purpose fully expresses depends upon all the names you use, because your names create the basic blueprint of your thinking pattern and reveal your destiny.
Is your full name in harmony with your purpose?
Find out by requesting a Free Name and Birthdate Report.
Start a free account to get up to 20 Free Name Reports per month.
We Are Here To Help
We thank you for your interest and we look forward to talking with you further about the Kabalarian Philosophy after you have read your Name and Birth Date Analysis.
If you require further assistance, please call our head office at our toll free number of 1-866-489-1188
(or 604-263-9551 outside of North America) or email us at