"I feel like a different person. It's hard to remember how 'heavy' life had felt before the new name changed all of that for me."
"I now have courage to do things that I have always wanted to do and become a better person."
"I felt a real freedom within myself. I became more expressive and happier with myself and with life in general."
"The Society Kabalarians of Canada have been extremely supportive. It was refreshing to see this much light in a group of people when darkness is so easy to find."
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Although some first names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.
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Updated March 29, 2025
Your name of Roycera has given you a desire for ... All names are not equal. Roycera, the names you use create your life experiences. Find out how the meaning of Roycera and the energy of your name have shaped your life. Request a Free Name Report. A Kabalarian Balanced Name can change your life.
Alphabetical First Name Meaning Index
Roycera - Detailed Meaning
Your name Roycera has given you a desire for self-expression and for positions that allow contact with people free from restrictions and monotony. Although you can be thorough in whatever you decide to undertake, you prefer to avoid technical, mathematical work. It is easier for you to concentrate on, and enjoy, your activities when they are combined with creativity and self-expression. You desire to be spontaneous and artistic but there are qualities in your first name that restrict your imaginative, creative talents and make you deliberate and careful. On occasion, you tend to be very fussy and particular over incidentals and, at other times, too scattering and inconsistent. This disparity creates frustration within you as you cannot consistently maintain the system and order you desire. You want to plan and budget, and to maintain a well-ordered home, but it is difficult for you to follow through with your plans. If told that you must do something, you tend to resist, but when your sense of co-operation is appealed to, then your desire to please brings out your best. Sometimes giving yourself something to look forward to provides the incentive to work your way through monotonous tasks. You are positive in your opinions, and slow and deliberate in your expression. Occasionally, you can be argumentative, obstinate, and somewhat intolerant of the weaknesses of others, even though it is not your intention to be deliberately hurtful. You thrive on encouragement and appreciation from others, and kindness goes a long way in bringing out your naturally cheerful disposition. You can be easily hurt by harsh words and depreciatory remarks, but you hide your feelings and appear indifferent as though they do not affect you. However, despite the hurt, you do not tend to brood for long, as you want to be happy and optimistic. If you receive an apology, you can be very forgiving, for you do not tend to hold grudges. You enjoy surprises to a degree, yet it is difficult for you to adjust quickly. You are an emotional person. Love and affection are motivating qualities within you, but it is not easy for you to find the words to express your deeper feelings of affection. Although you would like to be natural in conveying emotional sentiments, you tend to be matter-of-fact and practical in expressions of appreciation for others. You are easily reached through sympathy to help someone in need, and always rise to the occasion in an emergency. You enjoy sharing, giving, and creating, and you find your reward in seeing happiness in others. Family and home life are important as long as a routine does not become monotonous. You love children and could enjoy teaching. You take pleasure from practical creativity such as cooking, sewing, or craft work. You enjoy sugars and starchy, rich foods. An appetite for these types of foods over time can cause health weaknesses to centre in the intestinal tract or liver and cause an overheated bloodstream which throws off poisons through skin conditions such as acne or eczema.
Health Analysis
Your date of birth defines your unique core purpose, the reason for your life. In living your purpose, you will find your greatest happiness, contentment, and success.
Whether your purpose fully expresses depends upon all the names you use, because your names create the basic blueprint of your thinking pattern and reveal your destiny.
Is your full name in harmony with your purpose?
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If you have questions about your name or require further assistance, please call our head office in Vancouver, Canada toll-free at 866-489-1188 (or 604-263-9551 if outside of North America.)
Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551 (local and international). We would be happy to assist you or visit our baby name page for more information.
Want more out of life? You can discover your core purpose and make it a reality through a Kabalarian Balanced Name - ancient wisdom for a modern world.
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